Hiking, as an outdoor activity, is not only a walk in a natural environment, not only a sport or a challenge.
Hiking has terrific mental and physical health benefits, such as lowering the risk of depression, loosing excess weight, improving your muscular fitness, improving cardio-respiratory fitness, lowering risk of diabetes, high blood pressure or coronary heart disease and boosting your immune system.
Hiking is an exercise for your imagination as your senses are awakened to what’s surrounding you. While walking you see the real world, without any filter, experience the rhythms of the day, the night and the seasons. Even hiking several times the same trail, nature reveals more and more things to your senses and the hike is never the same.
Hiking is a spiritual exercise. The walk removes you from your daily stress to offer you new perspectives, to clear your head and renew your soul, giving a new appreciation of your place in the order things.
You can practice, depending on your wish, different activities: day hike; multiday hike (trekking); rambling; bushwhacking; tramping; free-hiking; Nordic walking; heli-hiking; … You can combine your walk with other activities: biking, spa, Yoga, …
You will only need, a pair of good quality boots, a few pieces of proper clothes and a comfortable rucksack. Some special equipment can be necessary for the toughest activities.
But if you want to keep enjoying the nature’s gifts, you should bear in mind the environmental impact you can have while hiking. The wild landscapes are often fragile. Hikers may accidentally destroy the environment without knowing it.
The protected areas usually have regulations to protect the environment which can minimize the impact, but the hikers need to respect some fundamental rules: no wood fires, no camp sites, dispose of waste properly, ...
You need to hike in such a way that future hikers cannot detect the presence of previous hikers.
While travelling with us we will do our best to make you enjoy the journey and to get the benefits of this adventure.